Profile PictureThe Cape Witch

EL SUEÑO - Out of thinking and into doing.

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EL SUEÑO - Out of thinking and into doing.


El Sueño is all about explanations and solutions.

Stop dwelling and start creating. Move from think to do.

This session will give you so much self-awareness you won't be able to hide anymore.


Two videos filmed at gorgeous locations with excellent music and the right colors.

  • Water ceremony to reintegrate the physical body, the spiritual body, and the ego.
  •  A sequence of exercises to shift your foundation from thinking to doing.  

A Q&A that’ll take you through a VERY unexpected process of diagnosis and cure.

  • Support fill-in-the-blanks for video 2.
  • Gorgeous ludic exercise to explore and organize the current state of your mind, body, and Soul.  
  • The most precise diagnosis you’ll ever get in your life.
  • The cure for what’s blocking you.
  • A clear, easy-to-follow plan of attack to change what you need to right NOW.

Support audio to guide you through the ludic exercise on your Q&A, filled with fantastic content that can enhance your life and give you lots of clarity.


  • Overthink.
  • Feel like sleeping is better than waking up in the morning.
  • Are struggling to take that first step toward their dream.
  • Need to move but don't know how to or where to start.
  • Feel discouraged (dead inside).
  • Feel disconnected from the external world and detached from people in general.
  • Feel adrift, unmotivated, persecuted, attacked, wronged, superior.
  • Know their mind, body, and Soul are disconnected.
  • Are ready to give in order to receive.
  • Are willing to do the work, change habits in all of life's pillars, and be reborn.


We expose the wholeness of who you are right now and all that you carry inside up to the present moment, like throwing all the pieces on top of a table and putting the puzzle together bit by bit.

We develop clever simple ways for you to use all that you've got to its maximum capacity because you already have what it takes and what's needed to start your personal life's project/vision. I'll prove it to you time and time again until you're done with the session, and every time you come back, it will happen again.

We reconnect you with the external world. Other people, places, things, making sure you stop feeling so disconnected and detached from everything that's not YOU.

We get really accurate answers to your biggest burning questions.

We basically study you in detail, observe the current state of your 7 main chakras, fill you up with self-awareness, and send you off to the world with a fully well-resolved mentality.

Do you know these people who are unbothered, relaxed, unproblematic, and just move one step at a time until what they want manifests? That'll be you my dearest friend! That's what you'll become!

FEEL IT! JUST FEEL IT! It's so light it feels breezy! Don't you want that for yourself?

Of course, you do! Who doesn't?

Buy this session and let's have a blast together! I'll be there for you and with you the whole time and long after!

This was made with so much LOVE!!!!!! I hope you kill it and leave shooting to the stars!


Your Carliña - The Cape Witch

Because this is a digital product (downloadable) we don't offer a money-back guarantee, but if you need help throughout the session, please contact us through email or Instagram (@thecapewitch) and we'll do everything in our power for the session to have the desired effects! You can even send Carla your filled-in Q&A so that she can support you in any way you need! We're here to make your healing journey the most incredible and enjoyable ever!

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You'll heal disconnection and detachment excess on a soul level, ripping off the roots of trauma and getting rid of overthinking & stagnancy once and for all!

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